
Friday, 22 February 2013

My new Onesie!

So the very lovely TillyMint let me product test one of her new line of handmade onesies! I am not very good at keeping myself warm or cooling down, Ambam and PixPox are good at it but I just can't get the hang of it, so Mummie and Daddie have to be very careful with me in Winter and Summer. The onesie has made a lovely difference because though my coats are warm, they don't cover my chest or legs, and can be too warm!

The onesie TM made me is gorrrjuss! It does have tiger stripes on the collar and cuffs just like my tigerstripes! And it does have my name on so everyone knows it's mine! It fits myself very nicely, I have enough room to run and curl up, I can't get tangled in it and the fleece is thick enough to be warm but thin enough to let air circulate so I don't get hot and sticky or overheated.

I am quite a limber hound so I can get in and out of it with Mummie's help very easily, but TM is making another type with poppers on the legs for hounds who aren't as flexibubble as my good self!

I can go to the loo, run, walk, sleep, stretch and play in it very comfortably, and Mummie was impressed with the strong stitches because as you know, us hounds go sooooooooo fast our clobber does need to be strong to withstand the stretching and impact on the joints, and it has stood up to many lots of running and playing- today I was having a run in the snow with it on!

Mummie was trying to get a pic of my cute bottom in the onesie but I was too busy playing run around!

Anyway! Thank you for looking! We have been very, very, very busy- we had another emergency foster dog called Taz for a few weeks and Mummie says she is 'frazzled' so I have been too busy making her feel betterererer to make blogs, but I will be better now, promise!

Here is TM's website-

eggs eggs eggs