
Friday, 22 February 2013

My new Onesie!

So the very lovely TillyMint let me product test one of her new line of handmade onesies! I am not very good at keeping myself warm or cooling down, Ambam and PixPox are good at it but I just can't get the hang of it, so Mummie and Daddie have to be very careful with me in Winter and Summer. The onesie has made a lovely difference because though my coats are warm, they don't cover my chest or legs, and can be too warm!

The onesie TM made me is gorrrjuss! It does have tiger stripes on the collar and cuffs just like my tigerstripes! And it does have my name on so everyone knows it's mine! It fits myself very nicely, I have enough room to run and curl up, I can't get tangled in it and the fleece is thick enough to be warm but thin enough to let air circulate so I don't get hot and sticky or overheated.

I am quite a limber hound so I can get in and out of it with Mummie's help very easily, but TM is making another type with poppers on the legs for hounds who aren't as flexibubble as my good self!

I can go to the loo, run, walk, sleep, stretch and play in it very comfortably, and Mummie was impressed with the strong stitches because as you know, us hounds go sooooooooo fast our clobber does need to be strong to withstand the stretching and impact on the joints, and it has stood up to many lots of running and playing- today I was having a run in the snow with it on!

Mummie was trying to get a pic of my cute bottom in the onesie but I was too busy playing run around!

Anyway! Thank you for looking! We have been very, very, very busy- we had another emergency foster dog called Taz for a few weeks and Mummie says she is 'frazzled' so I have been too busy making her feel betterererer to make blogs, but I will be better now, promise!

Here is TM's website-

eggs eggs eggs

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Snowy snow snow

So! It was snowing this week! We don't have many photo's though because Mummie kept forgetting her camera, silly woman! Mummie also needs to get her sewing kit out to make Pixie's coat fit under her tummy properly- which is why it's knotted at the moment.

Ambam! She did knock over GrannaNanna on our walk, luckily GrannaNanna bounces! Oops, Amber!

Oh, hello Jessie, says I, fancy seeing you here cousin of mine!

Jessie, dearest cousin, quite enough sniffing hello's thank you!

Cousin Bruno! Your back-of-the-head blaze is looking particularly cute today!



Pixie how if your new comfort harness? You look very pretty!

Jessie says HELLO! She said hello so much she nearly gave Mummie a black eye!

And lastly, if it has uploaded properly, a playtime video! Ambam did have a time out, after this video, because she was getting too excited and was shouting at everybody. Then there's me and Pix and Jessie and Bruno playing. Sorry for the rubbish quality of sound and image, Mummies camera is cheap and the internet does not like its videos!

Hope you're all well,
eggs eggs eggs,

Sunday, 13 January 2013

A walk on the Isle of Sheppey

Hullo everybody! I did say we had manylots of photo's to share with you and we do! We did go to Auntie J's house where my brilliant brother-from-another-(breed-of)-mother Brucie lives! And Bella, and Alfie... and Dennis... and Amy. It is a very full house! Full of love!

We did go on a walk in the middle of nowhere! It was brilliant! Ambam was wearing her beautiful new collar that she was modelling and Auntie J (who is a very good photographer) did take lovely photo's of Ambam and the pretty collar ^.^

So! Here we go! (photographs by J.Sargeant)

Pixie! I think she needs a theme tune, she runs like a rabbit, all bounces and leg-kicks!

A bevvy of bottoms!

Ambam being a model for her beautiful new collar!

Princess Bella, Saluki cross,13 years old, tough old madam in charge of everyone!

See! She is leading the troops! Also spot the odd one out!

Amy the deerhound cross in a gorgeous sunset picture

My own handsome self!

Making sure Aunty J is capturing my handsomeness.

Walking with Bella- because a gentleman always accompanies a lady of her standing when out and about.

Ambam and Madthing Amy mucking about

Looking out over the island while having a rest

Bella and shortstuff Pixie

Looking into the sunset

Bella the beautiful.

sighthound, sighthound, sighthound, sighthound, ratdog!

Looking all angsty in a small clump of shrubs. I am a brilliant model myself!

Ooooh! Aren't I handsome!

Another lovely wintery shot of Amy

And the only photo my Mummie took- the sunset as we were heading home, what a wonderful sky!

Thank you for looking, I hope you enjoyed seeing our walk, it would be lovely to see some of yours! Take care everyone!

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Just a quick note:
Ambams collar is from Indi-Dog
My lovely collar is from Tilly Mint

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Missy is safe and sound, and we won a Tuggitz!

Firstly, Miss Missy who was stopping with us has found her extra-special breed-specific rescue space! She will be found the very, very best home! Mummie says we couldn't foster her all alone because a rescue group can look after their dogs vet bills and we wouldn't have been able to afford to do that for Missy if she needed it, so we are happy being a stepping stone instead *nods*

Luck and love and happiness go with you, Missy Moo!

Now! We won a competition! We did win a tuggitz! It does come from here:

What's in the bag, Pixie?

Ooooooh! A new toy! And it's within the visible colour range for dogs, yay! It's very tightly made with well-formed knots, I think e would have to work VERY hard to break it, but we will give it our very best shot!

And a Christmas card! Thank you very much!

Daddie found out if you hold it like this and pull...

It's really, really stretchy!!!! I do love wriggly, colourful, springy toys! Ambam does as well, you can see she couldn't resist any more!

Ambam and Pix gave it the first tug game, Pix keeps forgetting she is a teeny tiny dog!

Not to worry though, I did get a go afterwards- Om nom nom nom nom! Nice and gentle on my gums.

Oh dear, I don't think the video came out very well- can you see it stre-e-e-eching?

Enough photo's, Mummie! Let us play with it MORE!

Pixie does love her new toy, even if she does have to share it!

So we are very much grateful and happy, thank you very much for picking Mummie's name out of the competition bag Mrs Wendy lovely-lady who does make the tuggitz! We does like independent businesses, Daddie says he knows how hard being self-employed can be!

Anywho, thank you lots to my friends for reading my special tuggitz review! I do have LOTS of photo's to share with you all next time I post, we have been on many lots of brilliant walks AND Ambam has been a real life collar model! Wowzer! My very own stinky sister being a model, who knew!?

Love and health to you all!

eggs eggs eggs, X X X,